Energy AUDIT

Building Energy Intelligence

business energy audit

SmartConsult conducts energy audits which contribute to saving money, gain a proper insight on energy expenditure, reducing environmental impact, reaching climate goals, identifying opportunities for improvement that fits within your budget and achieve higher energy efficiency.

At SmartConsult all Energy Audits are conducted by a team of accredited professionals following the AS/NZS 3598:2014 Standard for Commercial and Industrial buildings provided through the Clean Energy Council.

Our professional expertise is to review both your electrical energy use and appliances as well as thermal energy use, which is not a common expertise of most energy auditors.

We offer a thermal energy review which looks at the energy performance of your building.

An Electrical audit enables us to assess energy use of your process to:

  • Find out your annual performance of appliances
  • Get assessed on energy consumptions
  • Get measured out advice that applies solely for your site
  • Insight on where the feasible Investments are and their ROI

Outcome of electrical audit

  • Find out how to reach your energy efficiency and climate objectives within your budget and desired timeline
  • Low carbon emission and efficient solutions
  • Decrease daily energy consumption of daily energy usage and process
  • Decrease carbon footprint
  • Building auditing – thermal energy audit

A thermal energy audit enables us to assess the energy use by the building envelope and energy system within the building. With a thermal audit you will:

  • Find out your annual Building performance
  • Get assessed on use of energy source consumption
  • Get measured out advice that applies solely for your site
  • Insight on where the feasible Investments are and their ROI
  • Possible water and waste management solutions

Outcome of a thermal audit

Find out how to reach your energy efficiency and climate objectives within your budget and desired timeline so you can:

  • Establish the low carbon emission renewable solutions that fit your situation
  • Increase indoor environmental comfort
  • Decrease your business carbon footprint

Type 1. Energy Audit

A type 1 energy audit is a simple and affordable broad brush energy audit.

For small sites; sites with limited analysis budgets; where preliminary investigation is required to scope whether a type 2 or 3 audit is justified.

Type 2. Detailed Energy Audit

A Type 2 energy audit is a standard model for a site wide energy audit.

Suits all sites; sites that require a comprehensive review and analysis if energy saving opportunities; where investment decision require recommendations based on specified financial criteria.

Type 3. Precision Subsystem Energy Audit

A type 3 energy audit is a detailed audit focused on a particular subsystem on a site.

Suits larger and more complex sites where sub-metering is required to determine energy use of a sub-system, typically to support a major investment in that sub-system.

This Precision Subsystem Energy Audit is a detailed audit; costs and savings for specific measures related to a sub-system and informed by additional sub-metering data.

To discuss an energy audit for your organisation, complete the call back form below or call us on 1300 344 388.

In addition to our energy audits, we also offer energy consulting and reports can be tailored to suit a specific requirement.

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